New Jersey State Assessments
NJSLA (New Jersey Student Learning Assessment) is the assessment given in Grades 3-11 to determine student proficiency of the grade level or content skills expectations detailed in the New Jersey Learning Standards. The NJSLA assessments replace the previous state standardized tests for English-Language Arts, and Mathematics.
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment for Science (NJSLA-S) measures student proficiency with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science for students in grades 5, 8, and 11. The science standards require assessment tasks that examine students’ performance of scientific and engineering practices in the context of crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas. The three-dimensional nature of the standards requires more complex assessment items and tasks. The NJSLA are only one component of a system of assessments that provide evidence about student learning. The data collected from the NJSLA-S, students’ interactions with teachers on a daily basis, and their subsequent performance on teacher and district developed assessments combine to provide a clear and well-rounded picture of students’ achievement.
District Assessments
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is administered in Grade 3 to all students.
This test appraises the level and pattern of cognitive development in students, and measures both the general and specific ability to acquire knowledge verbally, quantitatively, and non-verbally. This is not an intelligence test. It is intended to estimate students' reasoning and problem solving abilities. It is used as one indicator for placement in the Math Abilities Program (MAP), and as one of multiple indicators when considering the development of an Individual Academic Plan to meet specific student learning needs.
The PSAT is designed to measure the ability to understand and process elements of reading, writing, and mathematics. Students take the PSAT in October of their sophomore and junior year at Summit High School. The PSAT is one assessment that can be utilized for students in the class of 2018, 2019 and 2020 to meet New Jersey state graduation requirements. It is also used to determine National Merit scholarship eligibility and to help prepare students for the SAT.
Read more about the PSAT at the link below: