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Special Services


Welcome to the Summit Public Schools

Special Services Department


The Department of Special Services provides quality educational services to students who are educationally disabled and have special needs. Services are designed to provide learning in the “least restrictive environment” and include a variety of placement options such as regular class placement with support, resource centers, self-contained programs, and specialized placements. The department staff is comprised of more than 50 highly skilled professionals who deliver the specific educational services as specified in carefully developed IEPs (Individual Educational Plans) for more than 450 special education students.

Specialized services and placements are available to students to meet their individual needs. Program offerings are continually assessed to meet students' changing needs. Programs and services are provided to facilitate inclusion in the general education classroom to the fullest extent possible. In-class support resource centers are considered for this purpose and are in place in all grades and schools.

Referral for Special Education Services

A parent or guardian of a child in the district may request a referral to the Child Study Team by contacting the building principal or by writing to Dr. Angela Seavy, Assistant Director of Special Services.

New Jersey Department of Education Parental Rights in special Education (prise)

New Jersey Administrative code for special education (N.J.A.C. 6A:14) and the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) are laws that ensure children with disabilities a free, appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. An important part of these laws provides parents with the right to participate in their children’s education. You and representatives of your school district are team members who are responsible for developing an appropriate educational program for your child. This document will describe the state and federal laws affecting the provision of special education to help you understand your rights in the special education process. With this knowledge, you will be prepared to take an active role in your child’s education. This document has been developed for you by the Department of Education, Office of Special Education, in an effort to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information. The document is periodically revised to reflect changes in the law, provide additional information that would be of use to you, and to provide the information in a more clear and concise manner. Click here to view the Parental Rights in Special Education document.


General Education Services

Special Services News