The boys’ middle school basketball program is for players in grades 7 and 8. Practices (beginning on Monday, December 2nd) are 1.5 hours in length in the LCJSMS main gym. Practice times will alternate between the 3:00-4:30pm slot and the 4:30-6:00pm slot. Games (beginning on Tuesday, December 10th) start at 4:00pm. There are no team commitments in the evenings, on weekends, or on school breaks. The season begins in mid-November and will conclude in early February. Roster selections will be made during a try-out process.
Head Coach:
Justin Liss -
Schedule for try-outs:
Monday, 11/18 3:00-4:00 (7th Grade Only) Bring “ORANGE CARD” with you
Tuesday, 11/19 3:00-4:00 (8th Grade Only) Bring “ORANGE CARD” with you
Wednesday, 11/20 3:00-4:30 (All Grades)
Thursday, 11/21 3:00-4:30 (All Grades)
Friday, 11/22 3:00-5:00 (plan to meet with Coach Liss to discuss tryout results)
Monday, 11/25 3:00-4:00 (first official team meeting)
Commitment Level: My expectation as a coach is that each player will be attending all meetings, practices and games in their entirety.
Medical Clearance: See "FORMS" section below.