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Summit Public Schools

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This module uses a HTML Definition List — a <dl> element — to dynamically build the Testimonial Carousel. The <dl> format is only visible in Composer's "Compose" mode. The <dl> element consists of pairs of Term (<dt>) and Definition (<dd>). For the purposes of this site, the Term (<dt>) contains the body of the quote/testimonial itself. The Definition (<dd>) should contain the attribution. When adding new "testimonials," please add both. In the event that one is unnecessary, please add an empty element in its place.

Ex. A "testimonial" lacks attribution,
<dt>"Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus."</dt>

The code relies on finding sets (one <dt> and one <dd>) in order to build the carousel.
The Summit Public Schools, in partnership with the community, will support and sustain an excellent system of learning that engages all students in compelling work; educates them to their highest intellectual, creative, and individual potential; promotes pride in diversity; and results in responsible and productive citizens of the highest integrity.
This module uses a HTML Definition List — a <dl> element — to dynamically build the Testimonial Carousel. The <dl> format is only visible in Composer's "Compose" mode. The <dl> element consists of pairs of Term (<dt>) and Definition (<dd>). For the purposes of this site, the Term (<dt>) contains the body of the quote/testimonial itself. The Definition (<dd>) should contain the attribution. When adding new "testimonials," please add both. In the event that one is unnecessary, please add an empty element in its place.

Ex. A "testimonial" lacks attribution,
<dt>"Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus."</dt>

The code relies on finding sets (one <dt> and one <dd>) in order to build the carousel.
The Summit Public Schools, in partnership with the community, will support and sustain an excellent system of learning that engages all students in compelling work; educates them to their highest intellectual, creative, and individual potential; promotes pride in diversity; and results in responsible and productive citizens of the highest integrity.

District News

District Calendar

Please click here to head to our Calendar page where you can see events from each school, as well as the District calendar.



Investing in our Future

Learn more about the District's initiative, Investing in our Future, by clicking here.




District Highlights 

See what's happening inside and outside of the classrooms by visiting our Highlights page!




Watch our latest Teacher Feature on Summit High School Psychology Teacher, Jennifer Renn!


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Congratulations, Allison! The Summit High School student recently found out she was a YoungArts competition winner in the classical music/piano category!




LCJSMS Library Media Specialist Beth Thomas tells us about a recent K-12 Information Literacy Bill that she helped bring to life, and how it impacts students across New Jersey